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October 26, 2020 at 10:57:00 AM PDT October 26, 2020 at 10:57:00 AM PDTth, October 26, 2020 at 10:57:00 AM PDT

If you are new to using bulk bags, or a long-time buyer looking for a new supplier, you probably like to check prices from various vendors to get the best bang for your buck. Occasionally, two vendors will give you drastically different prices for what seems to be the exact same product, but sometimes it’s not. 

Quotes can be inaccurate because your manufacturer is over building your bag or not providing components that might be useful for you. That’s why it’s important to be prepared with the specifications you need or work with a knowledgeable sales representative who can help determine which components of a bag best fit your needs.

So, what specifications do you need to get an accurate quote from your supplier? The below chart has each bag component detailed and answering each part will get you the exact bag you need:

 Bulk Bag SpecificationsSizeL x W x HTop BuildDuffel


SpoutBottom BuildFlat


Full DumpBag Weight Capacity (SWL)Product Going in BagsSift ProofingNone

Single Filler Cord

Double Filler Cord

Double Filler Cord + FeltCoatingYes or NoPrintingYes or No; How many colors?Document PouchYes or No; SizeLinerYes or No; ThicknessLift LoopsStandard

Cross Corner

StevedoreHow many bags do you need?What is your lead time?

Some companies are new to using bulk bags and don’t have answers for each specification, or may not know the weight or dimension of the bag they need. If you find yourself unsure of any component or just have questions, our team can help find the answers! We have a  to determine the bulk density of the product, and a  to find what size or weight is needed. Reach out to us with the product/bulk density and weight expectation for each bag, and we can do the math for you.  

If you’re interested in receiving a quote for a custom bag, head to our  or fill out the above chart and send an email to  and one of our experts can get in touch with you!