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June 4, 2019 at 9:47:00 AM PDT June 4, 2019 at 9:47:00 AM PDTth, June 4, 2019 at 9:47:00 AM PDT

SA8000, it sounds like the latest model of lawn mower, but it actually stands for Social Accountability 8000. This is the social certification standard of ethical and fair treatment of workers for global factories and organizations, without sacrificing business interests. The SA8000 Standard is important to protect ethical working conditions for more than 2 million workers, and helps maintain organizations accountability for safe working environments, reasonable working hours, fair pay, forced labor, child labor, and more. Global-Pak makes a conscious effort to work with SA8000 certified suppliers because we believe fair treatment and human rights should be the standard for all workers.

The SA8000 monitors the following elements of social accountability:

  1. Child Labor
  2. Forced or Compulsory Labor
  3. Health & Safety
  4. Freedom of Association and Right to Collective Bargaining
  5. Discrimination
  6. Disciplinary Practices
  7. Working Hours
  8. Remuneration

The process to receive the SA8000 certification is rigorous to ensure companies are truly compliant. First, applicants must take an online self-assessment (The Social Fingerprint Self-Assessment), which helps organizations understand the management system requirements. If the self-assessment shows the organizations practices are established enough to work towards certification, it must be fully evaluated by one of the SAAS-accredited certification bodies.

This certification body determines whether the organization is compliant with the Standard, which includes analysis of their documentation, employee interviews, operational records, and working practices. Once approved, the organization receives an SA8000 certification which is valid for 3 years. To certify the organization is continuing to follow SA8000 regulations, on-site monitoring and announced or unannounced visits can occur roughly two times per year.


For more information on the SA8000, please follow this link: